How to put this week into perspective? There are people starving all over the world? Some people can't go to school? All sad, but it doesn't really make up for the fact that yesterday at WesWings I was walking out and re-looked at the Specials Menu and saw that I what I had ordered and eaten was the Valentines Day Lady and the Tramp Dinner for Two. Except I ate it for one. Because I am alone. So put that into perspective, jerks. Here's something I wrote while thinking all these positive thoughts.
A brief look into why Odysseus would have been a great Valentine
Hey yall. So Valentines day was a total lame and I’m really sad. My friend of the male persuasion and I had very different opinions on how valentines day should be spent. I felt that it should be spent. He felt that we should pretend we don’t know each other. Anyway, I can’t stop thinking about who I really wish was my valentine, the one I’ve always loved from afar (besides the Wesleyan Men’s Soccer team), the one Athena protected, the hardest working man in show business, Odysseus.
First of all, Odysseus was really dedicated to spending time with Penelope. I mean he almost killed his own child trying to get out leaving her and going to war. This shows dedication, love, and not being a huge jerk that never calls Penelope back.
Also Odysseus was really smart and manly. He sliced and diced them on the battlefields of Troy, and he designed the wooden horse that helped the Greeks win the war. Ok so he clearly couldn’t navigate himself out of a paper bag, but obviously navigating the seas of Greece is a lot harder than navigating to Amici’s Italian Grill on Main Street.
And another thing. Odysseus ate real food, like meat and wine and feast things. Sometimes guys are on sports teams and then feel like they can only eat various Odwalla products, such as Superfood and Superprotein Almond, and sometimes that makes girls feel fat because they want to eat solid foods, including chicken parm, which everyone knows is good for you because cheese has calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Just throwing that out there.
In conclusion, I hate this era.
How I spent Valentine's Day, by Sophie's mother:
I was going to have four people over for dinner, but Todd got food poisoning from Chinese takeout, and Laurel stayed home to take care of him, so only Tani and Rajiv came over. Tani gave me a beautiful scarf and some rather frighteningly realistic metal insect-shaped objets made by a tribe in India. I made Tuscan Chicken and it was delicious if I do say so myself, and over dinner we had a fascinating discussion of the Indian caste system and why Pakistan is the way it is. And then -- here comes the Valentine bit --we had Baci chocolates for dessert.
and here is the great thing -- since Todd and Laurel didn't make it over, there are still two Baci left for tonight. Life is beautiful.
You needa get laid. I hereby nominate myself!
my v day consisted of going to the library then watching eurotrip with my roommate and her boyfriend. to quote spc, "and in no way is that depressing."
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