Though their reunion is making me about as excited as I get about anything these days (low carb/low calorie combo is crazy exhausting!), the Spice Girls just can't compare to these ladies.
1. Corsets. Hot, also, struggling to breathe burns calories.
2. It was known as the Gay Nineties.
3. Mark Twain would still be alive.
4. Roman Emperor Caligula would not.
5. Little men with twirly mustaches who say Curses, Foiled Again when your hot boyfriend saves you after you were tied to the train tracks.
6. Cute orphan chimney sweeps/factory workers with caps and that little smudge of soot on their nose that never comes off.
7. Speaking of which, you didn’t have to go to school past like 4th grade.
8. Muttonchops
9. Monocles
10. End of cowboy era, but still cowboys,so interesting time of crossover, also tragic beauty.
11. Opium and cigarettes not bad for you
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